Topic 5: Are you a conscious consumer?
- Your progress
Did the ad make you buy it?
Ads are everywhere and they’re really good at their job. How many times have you been online browsing and ended up buying a load of things that you weren’t searching for?
So let’s take a look at some of the ways to avoid falling into this consumer trap when you’re seeing an ad and become a more critical consumer.
There’s often an incentive presented for example a discount or free shipping and this is usually made nice and bold usually in red to lure you into thinking you’re getting a great deal.
Some retailers make it seem like unless you act now, the item will run out or will be much more pricey.
They might even make you believe that something you merely want is an essential need but if you don’t really need it or plan for it, then was it a great deal or were you tricked into spending money you could have used elsewhere?
A critical consumer is someone who?


Let's see how this works in real life
Does shopping around work? Let’s do an online grocery shopping using two different supermarkets and compare the total cost.