Year 10
Year 10 lessons

Session 1: Careers in the City
This lesson offers insights into a variety of city-based jobs and the advantages and disadvantages of these jobs for different types of people.

Session 2: Apprenticeships
Students learn about different types and levels of apprenticeships and compare apprenticeships to other career pathways.

Session 3: Entrepreneurship
Students explore what it looks like to be an entrepreneur and practise the necessary skills required to be an entrepreneur.

Session 4: Gig work and rights
Students learn how the gig economy has changed over time, including the financial vulnerabilities associated with gig work, as well as rights awarded to gig workers [in the UK/England].

Session 5: Speaking up at work
Students will learn to recognise different pay related issues that may arise in the workplace and ways to resolve them.

Session 6: Planning a career
In this lesson students investigate educational and job experience options in order to plan their own potential career path.