Year 11 lessons
Year 11 lessons

Session 1: Take-home pay
This lesson explains what is included in a payslip. Students also explore and calculate income tax for different salary bands.

Session 2: Budgeting
Students will understand the purpose of budgeting and complete a practical exercise to apply a budgeting framework to needs, wants and future spending.

Session 3: Savings accounts
Students explore different ways to save and delve into what a savings account constitutes, applying learning to scenarios.

Session 4: Investing
This lesson explores key investment concepts (risk vs reward, diversification and compound interest) with students applying their knowledge to advise.

Session 5: Insurance
Students learn how risk relates to insurance, before exploring different types of insurance and applying learning to decision-making activities.

Session 6: Investing simulation
Students take on the role of a financial advisor making investment decisions for their character. They then learn how different factors affect investments through a simulation activity.